It all started with songwriting for this talented young performer, and it was well before he knew how to read … [Read More...]

The Young Performers Club helps to identify, manage an promote talented young performers. We connect musicians with the resources and training needed to enhance their development and success. We also provide consulting services which give direction to the development of young performers. "Patty is such an amazing, brilliant and hardworking music industry professional. She is a strong advocate for young musicians and I love working with her! I highly encourage all young performers to work with Patty and the Young Performers Club and the All You Got Tour." - Jass Bianchi, NEMAFeatured Artists

Singer Songwriter and Musician Owen Korzec
When deciding who to spotlight in our next featured artist post, the decision was an easy one. We have … [Read More...]
Sign Up for Competitions/Shows

2019 16 and Under Showcase
Hard Rock CafeMARCH 31, 2019
2:00-6:00 PM
2019 22 and Under Grand Finale Showcase QUALIFIER 1
Hard Rock CafeAPRIL 28, 2019
2:00-6:00 PM
2019 22 and Under Grand Finale Showcase QUALIFIER 2
Hard Rock CafeJUNE 23, 2019
2:00-6:00 PM
Featured Story

Not responding to gig opportunities will be remembered
The Young Performers Club has been booking shows for almost ten years, and we continue to be stunned by the lack of seriousness and effort in responding to gig opportunities. Of the 700+ shows we have participated in, there have been commitment … [Read More...]

Top 10 advantages of participating in our Showcase competitions
Meet another 30+ performers to learn from, and network and collaborate with Meet and get exposed to industry professionals and accomplished VIP guest performers Add performance awards and qualifier information to your resume, website and social … [Read More...]

Do young performers practice enough?
We want you all to succeed, but without practicing… your progress will suffer, you will be less motivated, you will have a hard time reaching your goals, you will appear as lazy and uncommitted. Young performers have a wide range of … [Read More...]

The power of ambition for young performers
How can you be successful if you don’t have ambition? Can you skip practices, miss gigs because you have a more important social event, not participate in the development process for new music, not come prepared to gigs and practices, not do any … [Read More...]

Young performer parents who are great to work with
A professional who services the music industry recently told me she wrote a book after coming in contact with so many nightmare parents. Every parent believes their child will be a star. What gets missed in the process if this does not happen, are … [Read More...]